
Arrange a referral from your Doctor and contact us by

Book An Appointment

or call

09 392 6637

We will aim to book an appointment which meets your needs. Please bring your referral form to the appointment.

  • Procedure

    A CB CT scan is a simple investigation and will not require any specific preparation.

    • Before the scan you will be asked to remove any metallic objects: earrings, necklaces, glasses, hearing aids or removable metallic prostheses.
    • If there is any chance that you might be pregnant, please let us know. This is a contraindication to having a CB CT.
    • You will be positioned in the scanning area. The examination typically takes about 5 minutes. It is very important to remain absolutely still while the scan is being acquired to be able to achieve sharp images for an accurate diagnosis .
  • Payment

    No prior approval is required for Southern Cross patients. Depending on your policy there may be a surcharge.
    Other insurances may require prior approval. A receipt will be provided upon payment for the scan. You will have to initiate a claim with your insurance.

  • Scan results

    The referring Doctor will receive the radiologist’s report and a CD of the examination.
    All scans are reviewed and reported by Radiologists. ENT scans will also be sighted by ENT Surgeons from ENT Associates, who will be able to provide your doctor with a surgical opinion.